I’ve been making posters for most of my shows for as long as I’ve been playing shows. When I was a kid in punk rock bands, it was just ridiculous cut and paste collage stuff, and as I’ve grown and matured it’s evolved into DIGITAL ridiculous cut and paste collage stuff. I’ve always printed a few extra because my friends and band mates like to keep them, but I’ve decided to sell special prints of some of my favorites on here.
This is my video game music cover band Noobious and this graphic was the first single we released. I made this from a level of Super Smash Bros. Melee. I think- (I’ve never actually played the game… shhh)
This band is nasty- Michael Anderson on keys/arrangements, and Chaisaray Shenck on drums. I had a grand vision for this poster, and it ended up way different than the initial idea I had. I dig it though. Do you know what game this is from?
This one was a dare from my friend Kevin Beck. I said, “Hey Kevin, give me a poster idea,” and he said “Put your band’s faces in the movie Bug’s Life,” and this is what happened. I got a great response from this, except for Michael Kinchen, who is unfortunately the flying ant thing. I may redo this one at some point, but I kind of dig it the way it is.
This is one of my favorite ones I’ve made. It’s from ‘08 or ‘09, and was one of the first shows I ever booked. Jason Tuttle played drums and EJ Trice played pedal steel. It got really funky.
I don’t have a clue where this idea came from. I keep a note in my hone that just has random poster ideas, and one of them was ‘no need for speed.’ Obviously, anything with David Hassselhoff is funny, so I just payed around until this happened.
This one was originally for a band I played with called the Quartet Trio, which sort of evolved into the John Ray Trio, but with two or three different members. Do the math. I liked the poster so much though I ended up booking some gigs as Superband, until I did a google search and found out that there were 34 other Superband’s in the country.
I made this one for my March 2019 residency at Southside Beer Garden in Winston-Salem. Before I printed these on heavy duty poster paper, I made sure that Jonathan Greene was ok with being my wife, and he said yes. I’ve removed all the text for this printing; I think it stands alone as a ridiculous piece of weird photoshop rubbish.