Episode Four-Teen - Season 3 Preview

Join us as we hop on the Star Truck and set off to explore the world of Mr. Haircut season 3. This is a short episode featuring your favorite co-hosts John Daniel Ray and Jonathan Collin Greene, a couple of nice microphones and one (1) upright bass. Also featuring a live improv track from RKIII, John and Jonathan’s electronic project. The first full episode this season coming soon!

**Be careful, there is a closeup of a beard in the video, and the sound of eating. If you’re sensitive or feint at the sound of biscuits, please turn off your radio now**

John Ray

John Daniel Ray is a progressive bassist and composer from Winston-Salem, NC. He specializes in using computers to augment his bass and voice in an improvisatory setting. He is passionate about improvised music, and enjoys playing with anyone who loves music, energy, and life as much as he does.


Episode Fixteen


Episode the 13th - Short!